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Who I Am - Suman Gurrala - VshootSuman Gurrala, the man behind the moments! In pursuit of living the life he imagined, Suman decided to choose his creative calling over an IT job. With masters in Multimedia from Bangalore and love for art and photograph
My Story - Adam EnfroyHi, I m Adam Enfroy from and this is my story. I hope it gives you an idea of who I really am.
The Dread And Fun Of Stretching Your Own Canvas. blog by BOB CAULEYMy children and grandchildren inspire me to create art these days. I use the teachings and life lessons I learned through my military career to create pieces of who I am so that I can communicate that to the ones I love
Alumni | SVKMFrom your time as a student to your post-graduate experience as an alumni, SVKM’s support and amenities continue, as a result of your connection to the SVKM Alumni Network, now over 5,00,000 people.
Blog Contemplative. Intuitive. Mystic.There is a magic, an iridescence in the air. It invites us to surge past worries, anxieties, fears into a land of hope where the possibilities of our dreams and desires rest. What is this magic? How do we get it? Well, I
MommyCoddle - A family field guideSunday afternoon my grandmother invited me along to a recital of young students at a somewhat new Conservatory of Music that has formed in our area. My grandmother is an enthusiastic supporter and family friends with the
Wendi Wendi KellyHere is a little blurb about who I am and what I m doing here.
Shehan FerozeHello Internet I welcome you to a brief intro of who I am.
ABOUT | Tammy Gibson CoachingTammy Gibson is a talented entrepreneur with a diverse background.
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